Tuesday 23 April 2013

How To Put New Fonts On Photoscape Tutorial

How To Put New Fonts On Photoscape Tutorial
Welcome To My Website, Here You Get All Editing Effects.These Effects are used in Photo scape and Photoshop. As Always we come up with new effects and tutorials for our viewers.Today We are Introducing How To Put New Fonts On Photoscape Tutorials. In This Tutorial "How To Put New Fonts On Photoscape Tutorials "  . This is new technique introduce by respective photoscape owners. We our going to share it with you, we hope that you may take help from it. If you have any question or need help then mail us at  our given id.


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Follow These Instructions:
create a folder on your desktop to temporarily store the fonts that you download. i suggest calling it �fonts� or �temporary fonts�
(i suggest using chrome, because i personally think it�s easier)go onto the website http://www.effectmaster.com/search/label/Fonts and pick a font you want. once you see the font that you like, press the download button
now, there are 2 ways of doing this. one involves you having WinRAR, but if you dont have it, dont worry about it. I�ll create an additional tutorial in a couple of days.

press on the little icon on the bottom of your screen that pops up after you press that download button and that should take you to WinRAR.
once you�re on WinRAR, you�re going to need to extract the font to the new folder that you made, by right clicking on the file name, and pressing Extract to the Specified Folder.
a new window should pop up, and press on the + button beside the word �My Documents�
press on the new folder you made, and click OK.
close winRAR and go to your folder, by pressing on the Start button and pressing My Documents.
find the new folder that you created and click on it twice.
find the font that you downloaded, right click it and press copy.
press the start button on the corner of your screen and go to Control Panel and find your Fonts folder and click on it twice.
find an empty spot in the file and right click it, and press paste.
if you already have photoscape open, exit it and re open it.
your new font should be in the text file in photoscape.
Share it with your friends if this helped you. dont forget to follow.

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